Thursday, October 22, 2009

Air France Ecoliner

Climbing to 30,000ft on its maiden flight is an Air France Ecoliner.
Request by Joaquin Amieva.


  1. Oh my god Henry, it's amazing!

    I'm just blown away by this design. The aircraft is as sexy and smooth as the 787 yet a full double decker. It's just wow.

    I have to say thanks to you and Keesje, but mostly you who came up with this incredible concept.

    Thanks again for doing my request!

    Joaquin Amieva

  2. Hi Joaquin,

    Many thanks for your kind comments!

    Keep those requests rolling in :)

  3. The Kaktus ecoliner is fictional it will be good if it was real!

  4. Ecoliner, I don't understand whey they used that kind of name. The first thing that it comes to my mind. It is that it should be a greener plane but it looks like other planes. So I don't think so.
